How To Enjoy Travelling When You Suffer With Anxiety

How To Enjoy Travelling When You Suffer With Anxiety

Travelling is something that everybody should do at least once in their lives. With so many natural and man-made wonders around the world, you’d be mad to miss out on the chance to experience it first-hand. The feeling that you get when you’re travelling makes you feel so alive, and so free from the normal day to day routines that most of us face. However, when you suffer with anxiety, the idea of travelling alone might make your heart start racing. Luckily for you, you don’t have to miss out on the wonders of travelling, as we’ve got some amazing tips on how you can enjoy travelling when you suffer with anxiety.

The idea of travelling when you suffer with anxiety might make your heart race. Luckily, with a few amazing tips to help, you don't have to miss out on the wonders of travelling! #StressFreeTravel #NoFear #travelwithAnxiety Click To Tweet

Go with someone you feel safe with

A couple holding hands as they stand atop a mountain overlooking a city.

If you’ve never travelled a large distance on your own, then it might be a good idea to travel for the first time with someone that you feel safe with. This might be a spouse or a good friend, but either way they can help you cope through any feelings of anxiety that might crop up. Sometimes, just the gentle feel of a hand to hold when you’re feeling super anxious is enough to calm you down and make you feel safe. Plus, going with someone that you adore will pretty much guarantee that you’re going to have a wonderful time travelling the world! Remember that you’re not alone and they are there with you, and your feelings of anxiety should lessen with just that thought alone.

Do your research ahead of time

Picture from the back of an airplane with a passenger checking the Real time global turbulence forecast for his flight path along with real time weather updates
Sometimes it’s the lack of information about an experience that is about to happen can feed your anxiety. The not knowing of where you are going, is it safe or dangerous, or what will be required of you, can throw even the calmest person into a panic. That is why spending some time doing some research can help calm you down. For example, whether you are taking a quick flight to see family or that bucket list long haul flight to another country, checking a turbulence forecast or real time weather updates along your flight path, might help you feel more confident.

Remember that what goes up, must come down

And we’re not talking about a plane either. One thing that’s great to remember when you’re an anxiety sufferer is that even though your panic attack might feel like the worst thing in the world, it has to reduce at some point. It may be difficult at first to ‘ride out the storm’, but once you get the idea in your head that these feelings will go away, then you will begin to notice that your anxiety attacks are becoming fewer and further away from each other. Some people like to use their anxiety attacks as a way of experiencing exhilaration rather than anxiety. So, if you’re 30,000 miles in the air and feel anxious, why not try turning it into enjoyment rather than concentrating on your feelings?

Prepare yourself for a change in routine

Person pointing at Iceland on a gigantic Pushpin Map of the world
If you’re travelling a significant distance, then it’s likely that your time zone is going to change which in turn, will change your sleeping patterns. Sleep is one of the most important bodily functions and if that is disrupted, then it can cause you to feel anxious. Take a look at how to shift your sleep schedule when crossing time zones so that you can prepare yourself as much as possible and cope with the change in routine. Why not turn it into a late night adventure rather than thinking of it as a change to what you normally know?

The idea of travelling when you suffer with anxiety might make your heart race but with a little help, discover how you can still enjoy the experience! #StressFree #TravelPanic #TravelAnxiety Click To Tweet

Take distractions!

Person holding a Lonely Plante Guide to Estonia, Latvia, & Lithuania as he walks amid the Baltic States of Europe
One of the best and most effective ways of combating your anxiety when you’re travelling is to simply distract yourself. Some forms of travel might restrict you a little due to being unable to use your phone on a flight, but there are plenty of other forms of distraction that you can take:

  • Take a portable DVD player and watch some films that make you comfortable and laugh so that you can forget about the situation going on around you. Alternatively, download some movies onto a tablet or phone so that you can watch them aboard too. Just remember to keep all devices in airplane mode!
  • Coloring is a fantastic way of distracting the mind and creating something that you can enjoy even after your travelling experience.
  • Crosswords and puzzles are another great way of using distraction to forget about your anxiety. It also keeps your brain active, so you can avoid the numb feeling that anxiety can bring to your mind.
  • Music is a very powerful tool in pretty much any situation. Create a killer playlist that will both excite and calm you. Try and think about your destination rather than the actual travelling!
  • Play a game on a handheld device, or even with the person you’re travelling with. Simple games like the alphabet game can help keep you distracted for quite some time.
  • Read a book. Books are a fantastic way of losing yourself in something and forgetting about all of your worries. Why not take a couple of books away with you so that your mind can relax as much as possible?

Speak to your GP about some help

Anxiety while travelling is actually very common, and your GP will be able to offer a range of different treatments to help you when you’re about to set off. Tell your GP about why you’re worried about travelling and they will be able to find the best solution for you. Sometimes they will prescribe some medication that will help take your feelings of anxiety away, but these can make you feel sleepy. Sometimes they will offer help in the form of reading, and send you away with information about the way you’re feeling and how to combat it. Either way, speaking to your Doctor beforehand could save you a lot of trouble!

Don’t suffer in silence

If you’re aboard a plane or a train, or any kind of vehicle that you’re not in control of, then don’t sit and suffer in silence when you’re feeling anxious. Air stewardesses and attendants on trains are brilliant at being able to calm passengers down because they know the ins and outs of the vehicle that you’re in. For example, if you’re on a plane and don’t like some of the turbulence that you’re having, call over the stewardess and have her explain why the plane is moving as it is and tell her how you’re feeling. They can help calm you down by reassuring you that things are totally normal, and they will also explain safety rules again to you so that no matter what, you’re safe.

Take pictures

Picture of a tourist taking pictures of Barcelona’s ‘Font Magica’ as it lights up at dusk
We’ve talked a large amount about how to distract yourself from the situation that you’re in, and while this is a great way of dealing with anxiety, it is also just masking the problem. Why not embrace the way that you’re feeling, and take pictures of your journey so that once it’s all said and done, you can look back on those photos and realize that nothing bad happened. It might just help you feel less anxious the next time you’re travelling! Also, it’s a great way of starting off the photo album for your amazing travelling experience!

Reward yourself!

Picture of a young blonde headed boy in a black striped polo shirt eating a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone and smiling with it all over his face
Finally, with each little step on your journey, make sure that you’re rewarding yourself for making it through each terminal! This might be with a gift from the local shop, or even a large coffee and a donut from the nearest Starbucks. This will help you realize that it wasn’t so bad after all and also give you something to look forward to when you’re on the next leg of your journey. Remember to try not to think about the fact that you’re in an uncomfortable situation and instead, embrace these new experiences and take them all on in your stride. You may find that after your travelling experience, the idea of it doesn’t bother you so much anymore and you feel confident in doing it again!

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