How to Ensure Your Camping Trip Goes off Without a Hitch

How to Ensure Your Camping Trip Goes off Without a Hitch

Many of the best adventures are the ones you have under canvas. When you camp, you get to spend quality time in nature, watching the stars, biking, hiking, climbing trees, and finding out more about yourself than you ever thought you would. 

However, if you’ve never been camping before, it can seem like a pretty daunting prospect. There are so many things that can go wrong from bad weather to getting lost, that it pays to be as prepared as you possibly can be for your camping adventures.

With that in mind, here are some of our top tips to help you ensure your next camping trip goes off without a hitch.

Take your Camping Trip off the beaten trackCamping off the Beaten Path along a lake at sunset

One of the things that can really ruin a camping trip for a lot of adventurous sorts is, sad to say, other people. If you hit up a popular campsite, chances are there will be a lot of other people there, and although many o them will be totally chill and a lot of fun to get to know, some won’t. So, if you want to be sure that you’ll have an amazing time, without being interrupted by jerks or forced to tone it down because there’s a sweet family camping right across from you, take it off the beaten track and find the remotest (safe) spot to camp you can.

Wild camping is so much more exciting because you’re more isolated, the nature around you is often more rugged, and there’s always a sense that anything can happen, It’s something everyone should try at least once.

Camping is a great way to spend quality time in nature while watching the stars, hiking, or other activities. But being prepared is key to having it go off without a hitch! See how to plan the best Camping Trip possible! Click To Tweet

Don’t forget to pack the essentials

You might want your backpack to be as light as possible because let’s face it, it’s no fun carrying around the equivalent to a small adult on your back, but that doesn’t mean you can skimp on the essentials. As well as packing enough clothing suitable for all weather conditions, including waterproof clothing and shoes, you should also ensure that you have a decent flashlight and plenty of 18650 button top battery supplies so that you’re never without light. You’ll also want to make sure you have a decent water filter so that you can always have access to a drink, and a first aid kit just in case. You can probably work the rest out for yourself.

Don’t get lost Using a Compass on your Camping Trip

Getting lost can lead to lots of awesome and unexpected bucket list adventures and the stumbling upon hidden gems, but it can also get you killed, so be sure to have a map and compass as well as your phone’s GPS on you at all times, just in case.

Don’t let your food let you down

Just because you’re camping does not mean that you can’t enjoy a veritable feast every evening. These days, it’s perfectly easy to purchase vacuum packs that you can fill with lots of delicious pre-marinated meats or tofu if you prefer. Not only that, but portable camp stoves are getting smaller all the time, so taking one along has never been easier. That being said, there’s nothing like cooking your meat right over the campfire for that smoky BBQ taste. 

Oh, and don’t forget the drinks, make room for a cooler, and bring along lots of good wine and beer and it will feel like a five-star vacation even if you are out in the wildest of wilds.

Turn the tech offA girl Ditching the Tech on a Camping Trip by reading a book instead

Okay, so you’re going to want to document your awesome adventure so you can look back and remember someday, and I mean, Instagram, right? But if you want your camping trip to be the best it can be, don’t spend all day every day looking at your tech and agonizing over the perfect shots. When you’re spending time in nature, you should take the time to actually appreciate it. From the smallest tree to the furthest star, there is so much beauty in nature, and if you’re too busy on your phone to appreciate it, well you’ll have wasted your trip.

Respect nature

Speaking of nature, it’s important that you pay her the respect she’s due. You may be fully focused on the awesome adventures that are unfolding around you, but that doesn’t mean that you can forget to pick up your trash or trample all over those beautiful wildflowers. Before you do anything have a quick rethink about the impact it could have first. Not only is this the right thing to do, but it could help to stop you from getting it in the neck from park rangers and various other people who hate to see nature disrespected, which would really put a dampener on your trip. Do the right thing, and leave no trace.

Do your researchA little boy Reading a Map of where to set up his camping site

Even the smallest National Parks with the safest reputations can be dangerous – I mean they’re no all-inclusive resort – which is why it’s always a good idea to do your research before heading out camping. 

If you know in advance what, if any predators, there are in the area, and if you know where the most dangerous spots are, you can do a much better job of avoiding them and coming home unscathed. Oh, and speaking of home, make sure that someone back home always knows where you and your party have headed to each day, just in case they do need to send out a search party at some point!

Be good to your fellow campers

When you do come across other campers out on their own adventures, be polite. Say hi or give a nod of the head. If they look like they need help, give them it. If they could use something to eat, offer them a little food. Not only is this the kind thing to do, but it makes the camping experience more pleasant for everyone involved, and it can often lead to some solid friendships, Plus, you never know which of those people you meet will have the spookiest campfire stories, so you need to keep your o0ptions open!

Have an amazing camping trip!

Don’t forget to Pin this to your favorite Camping Board!A pin of two tents from two buys who had prepared properly for their camping trip

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